October 2022To: All Clubs Licensed to Host Retriever Hunting TestsSubject: Consistent Clarifications for Amateur and Blind Retrieves This is to inform your club of an upcoming change to the Regulations & Guidelines for AKC Hunting

October 2022To: All Clubs Licensed to Host Retriever Hunting TestsSubject: Consistent Clarifications for Amateur and Blind Retrieves This is to inform your club of an upcoming change to the Regulations & Guidelines for AKC Hunting
Note: This letter has been emailed to all MNRC Member Clubs To: Master National Retriever Club Membership All have recently received information regarding potential changes in the structure of the annual testing event. That information
MNRC President Keith Maready and a few members of the Board of Directors plus members of the Tallahassee and Wire Grass Retriever Clubs (our host clubs) took a tour of the properties to be used
The Master National Board of Directors is excited to announce that the Bourbon Hills Retriever Club has been chosen to be the host club for the 2024 Master National Event. The event will be held
The Master National Retriever Club Foundation Board of Directors is pleased to announce the selection of co-recipients of the 2022 Bill T. Teague Handler of the Year Award. The two recipients are Mr. Jim Windham
It’s with heavy hearts that the Master National Board of Directors shares news on the loss of another MNRC patriarch and dear friend to many. James (Doc) Wonnell (83) passed away peacefully on Sunday, March
Host Hotel: Hampton Inn1950 Georgia 122Thomasville, GA 31757O: (229) 227-0040F: (229) 227-006 In addition to the Thomasville hotels, there are a number of rentals listed on airbnb and VRBO Please check with the individual hotels
The 2023 Judges Panel for the Master National is complete. The event will be held October 26 – November 5 in Thomasville, Georgia. Below are the judges selected by the Board of Directors at the
The Master National Retriever Club Membership list for the 2022-2023 has just been updated. If your club is not listed please contact MNRC Secretary Dede Patterson to inquire as to their status. New Club Membership
Under The Oaks In Thomasville Take a look at some of the property slated for the 2023 event in the Thomasville and Boston Georgia area. Thank you Host Committee Hunt Test Chair Dr. Becky Malphus
Master National Retriever Club, September 29,2022 Roseburg, Oregon Meeting called to order by President Mike Collson 2:02 PST 1. Minutes of 2021 approved as presented 1. 2021 MNRC Annual Financials see attached document presented by
Robby Griffin of Louisburg, North Carolina has been appointed to the Master National Retriever Club Board of Directors as Director for Region 1. Keith fills the vacancy left by Director Laurice Williams as he becomes
MNRC Foundation Award Nominations are now open. Deadline is November 30, 2022 All nominations should be sent to: Hard copies must be mailed to MNRCF, Jimmy Hughes, P.O. Box 444, Columbia, TN 38402.E-mails sent to
Congratulations to our new 2022 Hall of Fame Master National Retrievers! These retrievers have successfully Qualified at three Master National events. New Hall of Fame retrievers will have their names added to the MNRC Hall of Fame
RHTAC Chairman Jack D. Combs delivered the 2022 Advisory Committee Report at the MNRC Annual Meeting on October 6, in Roseburg, Oregon.
Thank you to the members of the Umpqua Valley Retriever Club and especially Co-Chair and setup dog coordinator Toni Bamford. We appreciate the hard work and dedication you put into this. You allowed the judges
On behalf of the Master National Retriever Club we extend our deepest sympathies to Jace Tramontin and family on the sudden passing of his wife Denise A. Tramontin of Iron, Minnesota. Having just returned from
In recognition of her strong commitment to the success of the Master National Hunt test the Clayton Crawford Award was given to Hunt Test Chair, Annette Pacheco, of Roseburg, Oregon. Master National Plates were given
President’s Message To Our Master National Family Grace my black lab youngster, Eli my yellow lab 2023 MN prospect, my wife Wendy and I reside on the coast of eastern NC. It has been an
Congratulations to all our Qualifiers . You did an amazing job! And to all those who ran, you need to enjoy your accomplishment and start training for next year. Thank you to all who sent
Save The Dates for the 2023 Master National Event. Master National Retriever Club President Keith Maready announced the event will be held October 26-Novemeber 5 in the Thomasville, Georgia area. The Tallahassee Hunting Retriever Club
Take a look at some shots around Roseburg this week. Congratulations to the Teams who are going to the Fifth Series and to those who did not make it, remember it’s an accomplishment to even
Jack Morris, director of the Master National Retriever Club Foundation delivers his annual report at the MNRC Annual Meeting on October 6, 2022 in Roseburg, Oregon.
Celebration Lower Land, Lynch Land and Strader Front LandCelebration Lower Land – Series 1 Flight ALynch Land – Series 1 Flight BStrader Front Land – Series 1 Flight C Strader Back Land, Kahn Butterfly Land
Celebration Upper Land Series 4 Flight D This test is a land triple with a Flyer, Double blind and Honor. Bird #1 is on the right side, angled back to the left and lands 68
Congratulations to the excellent retrievers who retired from Master National competition in 2022. Enjoy your retirement and a well deserved rest. 2022 Retiring Dogs Master National Community Remembers Bill Blochowiak
How to use Search by dog or handler: Type all or part of the name in the search box above the table. Filter entries to display only a specific flight: Type the flight letter in
Former MNRC President Bill Blochowiak will be forever remembered by the Master National community. This event will be dedicated to his memory. Billl will be missed by all. View Presentation by the Tulsa Retriever Club:
Strader Back Water Series 3 Flight D and Series 4 Flight E Strader Back Land/Water This test is a Land/Water Triple with a walkup, Flyer, and Single Blind. The test start with the walkup bird
Celebration Lower Water Series 3 Flight A This test is a Water Triple, with a single blind and a diversion shot. All dead birds are used in this test. Bird #1 comes from across the
Many thanks to our 12 Master National Judges, who gave almost 3 weeks of their time and dedication to judge this year’s event. You are awesome folks!
Strader Back Land Water Series 2 Flight D This test is a Land/Water Triple, with a Walkup and single Blind. Bird #1 is directly in front of the handlerand lands 42 yds away. Bird #2
Celebration Lower Land/Water Series 2 Flight A This is a Walkup, Land/Water Triple, a Flyer, and Single Blind. As the Handler walks toward the line, Bird #1 comes from the right side gun station at
Strader Back Land Series 1 Flight D and Strader Back Land Series 4 Flight E This test is a Land Triple with Flyer, Double Blind and Honor. Bird #1 is on the left side and