Entries for the 2023 Master National event closed on Friday, August 11, at 6:00 PM CDT. The 2023 Master National event closed with 1,220 entries. View of list of Retrievers Entered into the 2023 Event.

Entries for the 2023 Master National event closed on Friday, August 11, at 6:00 PM CDT. The 2023 Master National event closed with 1,220 entries. View of list of Retrievers Entered into the 2023 Event.
The anniversary of the attack on the World Trade Center , the Pentagon, and a Pennsylvania field can bring back so many memories to those in the Master National community. Almost 3,000 people were killed
The vote for the Proposal 1 Qualifier Model has ended. Proposal 1 failed by a vote of 37 For and 73 Against. Results were verified by Treasurer Jimmy Hughes and Secretary Dede Patterson.
This list will be regularly updated.
This year’s event is perfectly named by the local Host Clubs as Master National Under the Oaks in beautiful Thomasville, GA. GroundsThe properties we will be using for this year’s event are simply amazing. The
Show your support of the Master National Retriever Club and see your name in our 2023 Event Catalog. The deadline for catalog ads is fast approaching so act now. If you would like to become
The Master National is looking for Test Dogs for Thomasville. Retrievers should be doing Master level work or above and must be able to run all six series at the event, October 27 – November
A new list of qualifiers for the 2023 event has been posted. There are 1,492 retrievers qualified to enter the 2023 Master National as of July 31, 2023. The 2023 Qualifying Year will end on
2023 Master National Event co-hosts Tallahassee Hunting Retriever Club and Wiregrass Hunting Retriever Club of Georgia have been working diligently to make this event very special. They are looking forward to sharing some good Southern
The email sent to the Member Clubs on 7/22/2023 is a 3rd request for a Special Meeting by a group of Member Clubs. The purpose of the 6/8 Proposal #3 is to provide a way to
The calling of a Special Meeting is to vote on the proposal presented. All Member Clubs in good standing are eligible to vote for any and all Special Meeting proposals regardless of how they have voted
This document and the Request for A Special Meeting has been Emailed to all MNRC Club delegates of record by Secretary Dede Patterson. A request for a Special Meeting of the Master National Retriever Club
Master National Retriever Secretary Dede Patterson wants to be sure all Member Clubs are current with the names of the Club Contact and Delegate. Especially this year, when Clubs will be voting on new Proposals,
FROM: Master National Board of Directors Currently there are two proposals presented for vote. The Qualifer proposal was sponsored by Brazosport Retriever Club and was the first proposal submitted. The Split proposal was sponsored by
March 4, 1950 ~ July 7, 2023 2023 has proven to be a year of loss for the Master National community. We have just received word that Master National handler Betsy Fritz, 73, passed away suddenly at
Region 1 – North Carolina Karl Blackwell First and foremost, thank you for allowing me to judge the 2023 Master National. I am truly grateful for the opportunity. I purchased my first lab (Kadie) in
Watch a video presentation of the current Master National Qualifier Model presented by President Keith Maready, Hunt Test Secretary Frank Barton and 2023 Chief Marshal Chuck Strange.
Last month the MNRC board shared with our members clubs an idea to change the qualifying process for the Master National annual event. After initially showing the concept of the event we heard back from
Note: This letter has been emailed to all MNRC Member Clubs To: Master National Retriever Club Membership All have recently received information regarding potential changes in the structure of the annual testing event. That information
Under The Oaks In Thomasville Take a look at some of the property slated for the 2023 event in the Thomasville and Boston Georgia area. Thank you Host Committee Hunt Test Chair Dr. Becky Malphus
RHTAC Chairman Jack D. Combs delivered the 2022 Advisory Committee Report at the MNRC Annual Meeting on October 6, in Roseburg, Oregon.