
Meet Your Judges (2018)

Region 1 – Virginia Robert C. Johnson I am honored to have the opportunity to be a part of this event, as I represent Region 1. Our events would not be possible without your participation,

MNRC Welcomes Two New Member Clubs

The Master National Retriever Club is pleased to welcome La Crosse Amateur Retriever Club of Wisconsin and the Southern Arizona Retriever Club as new member clubs. Congratulations and thank you to the officers for their

2018 Master National Invitations

The first batch of Master National invitations have been mailed to the owners of retrievers across the country who are qualified to compete in the 2018 Master National.  Please be patient, the next batch is

Judge Change for 2018 Master National

Master National Retriever Club is pleased to announce that Robert C. Johnson has accepted the invitation to judge at this year’s Master National. Johnson will replace Megan Baker who had a business conflict and had

AKC Appoints New Field Representative

Congratulations to our Master National President, Kevin Bunnell on his appointment as the newest member of the AKC Field Representatives.  Kevin will be a private contractor of the AKC as he takes on new duties

MNRC Welcomes Back 4 Clubs

The Master National is pleased to announce the addition of four more clubs.  Blue Ridge Retriever Club in Virginia, the Northern Flight Hunting Retriever Association in  Minnesota, Snake River Retriever Trial Club, Inc, in Idaho

MNRC Welcomes New North Carolina Club

The Master National Retriever Club is pleased to welcome Sandhills Retriever Club of North Carolina as a new member club. Congratulations and thank you to officers Scott Durkin, Jim McSwain, Don Bierer and Roberta Playte

Hotels & Lodging for 2018

2018 Master National Roseburg, Oregon The following is a list of popular hotels with ample parking and within a 25 mile radius to Douglas Fairgrounds and Event Grounds: Sleep Inn & Suites  (HOST HOTEL) 2855

MNRC Welcomes New Member Club

The Master National Retriever Club would like to welcome our newest member club to the organization. Welcome Minnesota Field Trial Association.  All hunt tests presented by Minnesota Field Trial Association will count toward the 2018

AKC Hunt Tests: It's A Labs World

We thought you might be interested in seeing some numbers so far from  the 2018 Master National Qualifying Year. Beginning August 1, 2017 through December 31st there have been a total of 3,909 Master passes

Congratulations to the 2017 MNH Retrievers

Congratulations to the owners, handlers and retrievers who are first-time Master National Hunter titled dogs from Texas. These dogs have passed three Master National events! For a complete list of all MNH retrievers, Click Here

2018 Master National Judges

Master National Retriever Club is pleased to announce that John Kinnard has accepted the invitation to judge at this year’s Master National.  Kinnard will replace Ron Sauls who had a scheduling conflict.  Kinnard will represent

AKC Hunt Test Advisory Committee Update

The American Kennel Club Hunt Test Advisory Committee is pleased to announce two new appointments to its group.  Carol Hynes and Dave Coffey have agreed to serve in this volunteer position. Carol Hynes will represent

Meet 2018 President Kevin Bunnell

The 2018 Master National will be held in Roseburg, Oregon on October 18-28 an taking the helm of our ship will be former Region IV Vice President Kevin Bunnell.  We thought you might like to

Closing Ceremony 2017

Thank you to everyone for participating, volunteering and attending the 2017 Master National at BigWoods on the Trinity. We hope you enjoy the rest now and look forward to seeing you October 18-22 in Roseburg,

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