Note: Watch for updated postings at the Event Headquarters and on the Master National website. THURSDAY OCTOBER 12, 2017 Opening Ceremony Copeland Center at Lakeview Methodist Conference Center, 400 Private Road 6036, Palestine, TX 75801
Board News

Diagrams: Crawlin Buck, Red Lakes, Baby Herrington
Crawlin’ Buck Red Lakes Baby Herrington

Diagrams: Whistling Duck, S. E. Nevada, Upitty
Whistling Duck S. E. Nevada Uppity

Diagrams: Bionic Thong, Blue Lagoon, Gar Hole
Bionic Thong

Diagrams: Middle Church, Pecan Blind, West Persimmon
Middle Church Pecan Blind West Persimmon
2017 MNRC Club Foundation Report
On Friday, October 13, Mr. Bill Teague presented this report before the MNRC Annual Meeting. It is a status report on the MNRCF. We open this report with a saddened heart as we mourn the
Retriever Hunting Test Advisory Committee (RHTAC) Report
RHTAC Report to MNRC, October 13, 2017 Retriever Hunting Test Advisory Committee (RHTAC) Report Master National Retriever Club’s Annual Event October 13, 2017 Palestine, Texas We open this report with a saddened heart as we

Very Special Items Highlight Thursday Auction
Just thought you would like to see some of the special items at this year’s auction. And also included that night is a shotgun raffle with only 52 tickets!
2017 Training Property Draw
A Training Property Draw will be held Tuesday, October 10th for training on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. That draw will also be held at the BigWoods equipment barn at 4.m. Thank you to East Texas
2016 Master National Annual Review
Friends of the Master National, On behalf of the Board of Directors, we want to thank you for your efforts to make the 25th Master National a success. Without your support, we could not accomplish
The Master National community has lost a great friend. Former Master National President John Blackbird, of Mora, Minnesota and longtime field trial and hunt test competitor died suddenly September 9, 2017. Our deepest sympathies are
MNRC Foundation & AKC Join Hurricane Relief Effort
The Master National Retriever Club Foundation (MNRCF) is presenting a Relief Effort Challenge to the Retriever community. We are asking for your help in supporting the AKC Canine Relief Fund. Here’s how you can become
Attention: MNRC Club Secretaries
Master National Secretary Elaine Goodner has sent all Master National clubs their 2017-2018 dues notice. Also sent to each club is a letter regarding the election of officers and other official business, Voting Ballots, and
The Master National Retriever Club could not be prouder of its Diamond Sponsor Nestlé Purina. We are so fortunate to be associated with such a generous and caring company. Purina has donated $25,000 to Greater

For those who might be interested Ad space is still available for the 2017 Master National Training Property and Information Guide. Call the Palestine Herald Press 903-729-0281.
Retriever Community Reaches Out to Help Hurricane Victims
A Huge Shout Out goes to the Retriever Community for coming together to help rescue and evacuate victims of Hurricane Harvey. Elaine Goodner and Rex Gibson, two Master National Board of Directors, reported stories of
2017 Master National Running Order
The 2017 Running Order for Flights A – F are now posted. Please check your flight and running order online. 2017 Master National Running Order Master National Flights (alphabetic order by handler first name)
Master National Flight Listing
The A-F (six flights) Flights for the 2017 Master National are posted. If you see a major error please email Hunt Test Secretary Frank Barton @ CLICK HERE TO VIEW ALL FLIGHTS

Chase Away K9 Cancer Video Tribute
Calling All Master National Handlers! Once again Cera Reusser of Chase Away K9 Cancer will be producing a video to honor dogs who are cancer survivors as well as those dogs who have, sadly, been
More Sponsors Join the Master National Team
Congratulations and Thank you to our newest Silver Level Sponsor of the 2017 Master National: Marks-A-Lot Kennels. In addition congratulations to our new Bronze Level Sponsors: Webshire Kennels, Duck Roost, Wolf Creek Retrievers, Gator Point
Texas Governor Welcomes Master National to BigWoods
The Master National Retriever Club received this honor today. A personal welcome from Texas Governor Greg Abbott. Texas has rolled out the red carpet to welcome handlers sponsors and friends of the Master National to
Master National Entered Dogs
A list of Entered Dogs has been posted. Please note, as soon as you enter the event, your dog will not immediately show up on this list. It may take 24-48 hours for your entry
MNRC to Retire the Women’s Challenge Trophy
In 2000, at the annual Master National event in Indiana, Michael O’Hearn introduced the Women’s Challenge Trophy Award. The WCT Award program was developed to provide special recognition to those handlers that were instrumental in
Handlers: Canine Influenza Virus Notice
If you are coming to Texas, please take precautions. There is a re-outbreak of the strain H3N2 virus. Make sure your dog is current on the latest strain of canine influenza. The best protection is
2017 Master National Invitations
About 1,100 invitations are being mailed to the owners of retrievers across the country who are qualified to compete in the 2017 Master National. The event is being held at the BigWoods on the Trinity
Calling 2017 Hall of Fame and Retiring Dogs
It’s time to get your information together so you can include your dog in the 2017 Hall of Fame or Retiring Dog videos for 2017. The videos will premiere at the Handler’s Banquet at the
Meet the 2017 Master National Judges
Attention all Master National Handlers! With about weeks to go we want you to meet your 2017 Slate of Judges! Thank you to our 12 judges for providing us pictures and biographies so that handlers
Dogs Qualified for the 2017 Master National
As of July 31, 2017 there are now 1,096 retrievers qualified to enter the 2017 Master National to be held October 12-22 at The BigWoods on the Trinity in Tennessee Colony, Texas. To view the
Minutes: 2016 MNRC Annual Meeting
2016 Annual Meeting of Master National Retriever Club September 30, 2016 Meeting called to order by President Jace Tramontin. A. Jace thanked all the sponsors. B. Reports 1. Bill Teague delivered Retriever Hunting Test Advisory
2017 Master National Entry Announcement
Entries for the 2017 Master National event will open on Tuesday, August 1, at 6:00 PM CDT and will close on Friday, August 18, at 6:00 PM CDT. Please note the 6 pm Central Time,
Congratulations to Texas proud, WHATABURGER restaurants on becoming a Platinum Level Sponsor of the 2017 Master National. It’s great to have you on board joining our other great supporters. Diamond Sponsors: Nestle Purina Petcare and ASD
The BigWoods on the Trinity Hosts Spring Hunt Test
Spring is here at The BigWoods on the Trinity, home of the 2017 Master National. Thanks to Drone Pilot Dr. Jay Herrington, here’s a sneak peek at the grounds as they prepare for the East
2017 Hotels/Motels, B&Bs & RV Parks
HOTELS/MOTELS in Palestine **Please be sure to check each hotel for their Pet Policy. Master National Retriever Club Host Hotel: HAMPTON INN & SUITES 903-723-0016 2700 S. Loop 256 Hampton Inn website Lakeview Methodist
Oregon to Host 2018 Master National
The Master National Retriever Club Board of Directors is pleased to announce it has selected Roseburg, Oregon as the site for the 2018 Master National event. And congratulations to the 2018 host club, the Umpqua
Apply to AKC for a MNH Title
Are you new to the Master National Hall of Fame? Here’s a link to apply to the American Kennel Club for issuance of a Master National Hunter title! Congratulations! Apply to AKC for an MNH
MNRC Welcomes Two New Member Clubs
The Master National Retriever Club would like to welcome two new member clubs to the organization. All tests presented by these clubs will count toward the 2017 Master National Qualifying year. New to the list