Minutes: 2016 MNRC Annual Meeting

2016 Annual Meeting of Master National Retriever Club
September 30, 2016
Meeting called to order by President Jace Tramontin.
A. Jace thanked all the sponsors.
B.  Reports 1. Bill Teague delivered Retriever Hunting Test Advisory Committee report. Committee: Robert Rascoe, John Blackbird, Keith Winch, Patty Polish and Bill Teague, Chairman.
2. Doug Ljundgren delivered comments on behalf of the America Kennel Club
3. Bill Teague delivered MNRC Foundation report.
a. Emphasized encouraging youth handlers b. Awarded Handler of the Year
C. Secretary’s report 1. 102 out of 178 clubs are represented which is a quorum.
2. Minutes of 2015 Annual Meeting were approved as corrected. D. Treasurer’s report – see attached document E.
2017 Event
1. Larry Kimble reported on the 2017 event to be held at The BigWoods on the Trinity, Tennessee Colony, TX.
2. The dates are October 13th to the 22nd.
F. Election of Board of Directors members
1. Region 2 elected Corrine Clavey as their Director
2. Region 4 elected Randy Frager as their Director
3. All member club elected Keith Winch Vice President from Region 3.
G. Election of 2017 event judges:
1. Region 1 elected a. Jack Belicka b. Roger Everette c. Laurice Williams
2. Region 2 elected a. Blake Lemish b. Jimmy Olszewski c. Helen Romain
3. Region 3 elected a. Laura Foster b. Gary Kavan c. Dale Langhorne
4. Region 4 elected a. Wendy Rowan b. Steve Souder c. Janet Wood
H. Proposed Nomination Amendment to By-laws 1. 92 ballots were cast
2. 81 Yes and 11 No 3. Amendment approved.
Effective the 2017 Annual Meeting
I. Awards 1. Kevin Bunnell, Chief Marshal 2. Jace Tramontin, MN President.
Respectfully submitted
Elaine Goodner
MNRC Secretay

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