
2015 Setup Week October 9-14

The 2015 Judges and Board of Directors were in Hartsville early to prepare for the event. Each day judges, board members and host club members arrived at 7:30 a.m. and worked the entire day preparing

South Carolina Flooding Update

TRAFFIC ALERT: As you know South Carolina has experienced unprecedented rain and flooding. While reports from Cooper Black are all good there are a number of roads in SC, south of Cheraw, that have been

MNRC Thanks 2015 Event Sponsors

As the 2015 Master National event begins to get under way, the Master National Board of Directors would like to thank it sponsors for their generous contributions.  While we highlight our Diamond, Gold, Silver, and Bronze

MNRC Proposed By Law Change

PLEASE NOTE: This Bylaw proposal does not change the eligibility requirements to judge a Master National, only the  final selection process. The Master National Retriever Club’s Board of Directors proposes the attached change to the ByLaws. This

2016 Slate of Judges by Region

Here is the slate of Proposed Judges for the 2016 Master National event at the August A. Busch Memorial Conservation Area near St. Louis. The ballots and lists of judges by region have been emailed to each

MN Invitations: Address corrections

Almost 1,300 Invitations for the 2015 Master National were mailed out to owners of qualified retrievers this year.  In just one batch of invitations sent out last month, almost 40 invitations were returned for incorrect addresses. The

2015 Master National Training Birds

Robbie Davis, Drakes and Hens, Inc., is the bird supplier for the 2015 Master National. While all birds at the event will be mallard drakes or rooster pheasants, training birds may be ordered as either sex

Worker's Appreciation Dinner

The Board of Directors of the Master National Retriever Club want to thank  the Del Bay Retriever Club  for their generous contribution to the Master National Worker’s Appreciation Dinner 2015.  The dinner is scheduled for Tuesday,

Enter the 2015 Master National

Entries are now open for the 2015 Master National event Oct. 15-25, Cheraw, South Carolina.  Entries will be accepted via the Master National online Entry System only.  The entry system can be accessed through the

2015 Master National Entry System

The 2015 Master National Entry System will be available to use the first week of August. All Qualified Dogs will be accepted until the specified closing date. The Master National does not limit entries therefore

2015 Master National Schedule of Events

Please Note: This is a tentative schedule, Watch for updates at the Event Headquarters or on THURSDAY OCTOBER 15, 2015  DeLoach Center at Coker College, 300 East College Ave., Hartsville SC ·        5:30pm – Opening ceremonies ·      

Master National Workers' Party

The Board of Directors of the Master National Retriever Club want to thank  Lynn Yelton and the Labrador Retriever Club, Inc.  for their generous contribution to the Master National Worker’s Appreciation Dinner 2015.  What a great

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