Donations to the Worker's Appreciation Dinner 2015

The Board of Directors of the Master National Retriever Club want to thank  the
IMG_0545Swamp Dog Club, Inc. of  Pennsylvania   
for their generous contribution to the Master National Worker’s Appreciation Dinner 2015.  The dinner is scheduled for Tuesday, Oct. 20th, at the DeLoach Center at Coker College in Hartsville, SC.
What a great thing to do, and we thank you very much!
See you there for the fun.
We also want to thank  the Del Bay Retriever Clubdelbay  for their generous contribution to the Master National Worker’s Appreciation Dinner 2015.
And to  Lynn Yelton and the Labrador Retriever Club, Inc.  for their generous contribution to the Master National Worker’s Appreciation Dinner 2015.  What a great thing to do, and we thank you very much!

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