
New Hotel Opening in Bastrop

A brand-new pet friendly, extended stay hotel located in Bastrop TX has just opened. The EverHome Suites extended stay by Choice Hotels is located just 5 minutes away from the central area where all other

Judges Pairings 2024

Flight A Julie Cairns / Chris Nagy Flight B Leda Blom / Scot Huffman Flight C Linda Johnson / Rob Somers Flight D Rockie Hall / Mike Ostrom Flight E Shawn Piotter / Roger Moltzen

Bobo’s Pond

Bobo’s PondThis is a Land/Water Triple with a walkup, duck flyer, and single water blind. As the dog handler walk towards the line for the marks a dead duck is thrown on the right side

Judges Pairings 2024

Flight A Julie Cairns / Chris Nagy Flight B Leda Blom / Scot Huffman Flight C Linda Johnson / Rob Somers Flight D Rocky Hall / Mike Ostrom Flight E Shawn Piotter / Roger Moltzen

Is this Your First Master National?

The Master National Event can be overwhelming. Almost two weeks of Meetings, Activities and Competition. Most of our handlers have run the Master National several times but we dont’ want to forget those who are

Texas to Host 2025 Master National

The MNRC Board of Directors are pleased to announce the 2025 Master National event will be held in Giddings, Texas. The test will run from Thursday, October 30, 2025 and conclude by Sunday, November 9,

Last Chance for Clubs to Vote on Bylaws

Please encourage your Club to vote on recent By Laws updates! MNRC needs updates to our ByLaws and we want your participation. Please read the President’s explanation of what needs updating and the ByLaw updates

Apply to AKC for MNH Title

Are you new to the Master National Hall of Fame? The American Kennel Club has approved an MNH title for retrievers. The MNH, which stands for Master National Hunter, title will be in addition to

Text To Get Mobile Snack/Drink Van

Local Paw Patrol Van benefits the Thomasville Humane Beginning Sunday October 29, a mobile snack van or for short “the Paw Patrol” will have mobile delivery of snacks and drinks as needed. Participants just need

Shout Out to 2022 Set-Up Dogs

Thank you to the members of the Umpqua Valley Retriever Club and especially Co-Chair and setup dog coordinator Toni Bamford. We appreciate the hard work and dedication you put into this. You allowed the judges

A New Look for

It was time for an update. has been upgraded with a clear, easy-to-follow Navigation system that has links to everything on the site.  The reason for upgrading our website was to become Mobile Friendly,

AKC Lets Stand Talking To Dog on Honor

The Performance Events Department works closely with the Retriever Hunting Test Advisory Committee (RHTAC) regarding suggestions brought forward from the retriever hunting test community. Recently, the Performance Events Department received an item from the RHTAC

Ever Wonder How Hunt Tests Began?

Reprinted From the AKC Website: Retriever Hunting Test History In the 1980s hunters with good retrievers, but without the resources, or time, to be able to be competitive in field trials were anxious to have

Master Amateur Event Begins

The Master National Retriever Club sends it’s Best Wishes to the Handlers and Retrievers entered into the 2022 Master Amateur Invitational. About 170 amateur-handled dogs will compete at the test in Sedalia, Missouri May 22-29.

MNRC Selects 2022 Master National Site

The Master National Retriever Club Board of Directors has selected the Columbia Basin area of Washington state to host the 2022 Master National event. The Tri Cities area of Washington includes the towns of Pasco,

Meet Your Judges (2020)

Region 1 – Pennsylvania Megan Baker Since my last Master National Judging experience in 2014 I have continued to give back to the sport we all love so much. I am currently running 4 Golden

Opening Banquet is Just 7 Weeks Away

The 2019 Master National Opening Banquet is just 7 weeks away — Thursday, October 17,  at the DeLoach Center at Coker College, 300 East College Ave., Hartsville SC. Hope to see you there! A complete

2019 Master National Running Order

The 2019 Master National Running Order for Flights A through G are now posted. Keep in mind, the Starting Dog number isn’t picked until Opening Banquet, Thursday Oct. 19th. See you in Cheraw. Have fun

Meet Your Judges (2019)

Region 1 – North Carolina Ellison Armfield Congratulations on qualifying for the 2019 Master National!  H. Cooper Black holds so many special memories for me, most notably when I set the dumpster on fire about

MNRC Thanks Event Sponsors and Donors

As you begin training and testing for the 2019 Master National event we would like to remind you to please support our generous Partners. Without their help the Master National event would not be possible.

Meet Your Judges (2018)

Region 1 – Virginia Robert C. Johnson I am honored to have the opportunity to be a part of this event, as I represent Region 1. Our events would not be possible without your participation,

MNRC Welcomes Two New Member Clubs

The Master National Retriever Club is pleased to welcome La Crosse Amateur Retriever Club of Wisconsin and the Southern Arizona Retriever Club as new member clubs. Congratulations and thank you to the officers for their

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