The Master National Event can be overwhelming. Almost two weeks of Meetings, Activities and Competition. Most of our handlers have run the Master National several times but we dont’ want to forget those who are running for the very first time.
We have put together some basic information to guide you through the event with a little less stress. You have worked very hard to qualify and above all we want you to enjoy the event! Don’t hesitate to Email us with questions of concerns. And remember to have fun!
What to Expect at the Master National
The purpose of this document is to acquaint you with the many activities surrounding the Master National Hunt Test Obviously, no single document can cover all situations encountered but familiarity with the events listed herein will certainly help. If you have questions, please contact the applicable source; if you are not sure who to contact, use the MNRC website (www.masternational.org) and contact the club secretary or a member of the Board of Directors.
First and foremost, congratulations on your dog(s) qualification to enter the event. Entries represent the ‘cream of the crop’ of retrievers from the US & Canada and just getting here is a great compliment and achievement of which you can be justifiably proud; we are certainly proud of you and your dog(s). Your best source of information is the MNRC website. It is well organized and contains a plethora of information for you. You will also find any of the board members, especially your regional representatives, who are anxious to assist you; information on who they are and how to contact them are on the website under the heading, “About Us”. You can also find the Bylaws/Constitution of the MNRC at this location.
Schedule of Events
You will find a schedule of events on the website which will include the name of the meeting/event; the location, date and time. Please be advised to check the website regularly, some changes in an event this size are inevitable. The final schedule will be also found in the Catalogue in your “Handler’s Bag”; there’s one bag for every dog entered.
Training Week
The week prior to the MNRHT, local properties are normally offered for training. The Host club should have a training brochure, usually found at the Host Hotel lobby for you. There is usually no charge for the brochure, and it will contain all the necessary information (location, directions, special restrictions, local eating facilities, etc.) needed to access the properties. Various training properties are selected by random draw (notice of date/time/location of this meeting will be published on the website) by the host club, usually in the HQ hotel. Training groups need to be formed and one member of each group will ‘draw’ for the group. Birds (ducks & pheasants) will be available for purchase during the week of training. You must be familiar w/local hunting/live gunning regulations and be in compliance with them in order to train on any of these properties. Please be respectful of the properties; the MNRC reserves the right to remove anyone from training properties for violating the local laws and/or the MNRC policies on training on these grounds.
Set Up Week
While dogs entered in the event are training the week before the test, the host club members, MNRC Board and Judges are working on the test grounds to define what the tests will look like. Scenarios for tests are set up and ‘set up’ dogs (those not entered in the tests) are used to determine if the tests are adequate to test the dog’s skills, meet time requirements and meet the goal of the requirements of two Master tests during the event. Set-up dogs are timed on all the scenarios. The judges score the dogs’ performances and compare their scores to provide some consistency in the overall scoring process. The test set-ups are designed to simulate actual hunting scenarios. The actual tests, selected must meet the test requirements as well as time requirements needed for the event.
Opening Ceremonies
This event is usually held on an evening in conjunction with the annual meeting. There is no charge to participants, and it is jointly sponsored by the MNRC and selected sponsors; please take time to thank the sponsor representatives at the event. In addition to a meal, a brief program will introduce dignitaries, and the selection of the number of the first dog to run (same number starts in all flights) will be made in a most interesting manner. Additionally, the ‘rotation’ numbers may also be announced here. They will also be announced at the “Handler’s Meeting”. It’s a fun evening and a great opportunity to see old friends and make new ones.
Annual Meeting of MNRC
The annual meeting is usually held the day before testing begins. Most member club delegates vote by email. If a delegate is hand carrying vote, they MUST check in with the MNRC Secretary prior to the meeting in order to be eligible to vote. It represents the annual ‘business meeting’ and covers the election of regional representatives (each region has an elected director who is elected by regional delegates only while vice presidents are elected by all delegates. Vacancies that result in unexpired terms are filled by the Board of Directors appointments. In addition, any Bylaws/Constitution amendments may be presented along with conducting other MNRC business. Bitch checks will also be scheduled and all female dogs must be approved by inspection to run the tests. Periodic, unannounced bitch checks may also be conducted during the testing. Store sales of MNRC and local, host club merchandise will also be available.
Handler’s Meeting
This meeting is held the same day as the ‘Annual Meeting’ and is MANDATORY for all handlers to attend. Judges will be introduced, judge’s instructions to handlers will be provided and handlers have the opportunity to ask questions of the judges. The chief marshal will announce the paring of the judges, flight assignments along with which specific test will be run first in each flight.
The chief marshal will meet with committee (steward, traffic, bird thrower, gunners, marshals, etc.) chairs and then committee chairs will meet with their committee members.
AKC Retriever Hunting Test Advisory Committee Report
The five-member committee appointed by the AKC to recommend changes/clarifications in retriever hunting test regulations usually makes an annual report on their deliberations over the last year and info on what they are currently reviewing to the participants. Suggestions and questions can be emailed to Chairman Jack D. Combs.
AKC Report
An AKC representative usually updates the participants on what the AKC is doing in the retriever hunting test program. They also provide participants their ‘interpretation’ of regulations. This is an excellent opportunity to dialogue with AKC representatives on a particular issue you have special interest in.
Communications During Event
The usual method of communications from the HT Committee, the MNRC Board and other ‘special’ needs, is done thru a texting system to each of the participants. To be sure your number is listed with MNRC and is entered into the texting system; clearly list it on your entry when submitted. You can also check with the MNRC web master, Mia DiBenedetto.
Test Week
Testing of the dogs usually begins the morning listed in the Schedule of Events promptly at 8 am. The goal of the tests is to provide the equivalent of two Master test requirements during the duration of the event. Your dog will earn ‘two passes’ toward next year’s qualification if the dog passes all series in this test. For Callbacks and continuing ‘Blogs’, use the MNRC website www.masternational.org for the latest information. If you have any difficulty seeing the information posted, please refresh your browser.
Workers Appreciation Dinner
Held on an evening of ‘test week’ (listed in Schedule of Events), this dinner is in honor of volunteers and others who work at the event. Volunteers are critical to the success of the MNRHT each year. Volunteers are needed in all facets of the tests; marshals, bird stewards, hospitality, gunners, safety, traffic control, etc. should volunteer for at least two shifts when the entry is completed and you will sign up for an assignment that does not conflict w/your running order at the committee meetings held on the day of the annual meeting. The worker’s party is designed to ‘thank’ volunteers and there is no charge for this dinner. Additionally, volunteers are given a special “worker’s pin” to commemorate their efforts. This event is supported by MNRC and various sponsors; please let each sponsor know your appreciation of their support
Closing Ceremonies
This event is held at the conclusion of the test and consists of honoring dogs who qualified at the event. Dogs get a pewter plate, the AKC rosette for qualifying at a master test (the dog gets credit for 2 ‘passes’ toward next year’s qualification requirements), a goose band w/inscribed info (date & location of this event), and congratulatory handshakes from judges and MNRC board members.
Additional Events/Items
The Host club works for 1-2 years preparing for the MNRHT and puts in a tremendous amount of effort to support the MNRHT. We hope this information is helpful in your preparations for the event and if you have any questions, feel free to contact either of your regional representatives (director or vice president); contact info is available on the website, www.masternational.org. Good luck to you and your dog(s) and we hope you enjoy the event!