As shown in the Training and Information Guide, there are 17 training sites and 4 public areas. Public areas are first come first serve. The private draw training sites are available from 8 am to 5 pm. Please plan on leaving the property by 5 pm and enjoy all that Valley County has to offer. Some areas may have a gate locked at that time. The dog training permit in the Training and Information Guide covers only the use of these sites. Have the guide available in case you are checked. If you wish to train elsewhere you will need to make arrangements with landowners and Idaho Department of Fish and Game. You will need to acquire a separate dog training permit from Fish and Game in McCall to use live flyers and or dead birds.
Those that will be shooting live flyers from out of State need to acquire a Nonresident Nongame Hunting License for $39.00. State residents need a hunting lic ense. This also applies to gunners who are shooting Live flyers during the event. These licenses are available at Ridley’s in McCall and Tackle Tom’s in Cascade and online from the Idaho Fish and Game website. Please follow Idaho Fish and Game laws. Properly dispose of training birds. All these properties have been generously donated for our use. Clean up your hulls, trash, and orange ribbons. Leave the property better than when you arrived. Ranch rules apply if you open a gate shut the gate. Do not harass livestock if present. If herds sheep are present (unlikely) avoid the area. Training properties are available from 8 am to 5 pm please plan accordingly.
Click Here to Download the Training Guide
Multiple drawings will be held through the training period as follows:
Friday, September 24th at 5:00 pm training groups will draw for training sites for September 25th and 26th
Sunday, September 26th at 5:00 pm training groups will draw for training sites for September 27th and 28th
Tuesday, September 28th at 5:00 pm training groups and draw for training sites for September 29th
The drawings will be held on the vacant lot immediately adjacent to the south side parking lot of the Holiday Inn Hunt Lodge in McCall (host hotel). The hotel is located at 210 N 3rd Street, McCall, ID 83638
If weather is inclement, an alternate site will be announced.
Each training group will designate one handler to draw a location from among the 16 training sites. The limit is one draw per training group.
Drawing Details:
If we find a training group making multiple draws the group will be the last to draw at the next drawing. The number drawn is the property number the group is awarded to use. If there are properties leftover after all parties have been given a chance to draw, training groups may choose to put their property back in the bucket and draw again (one time only).
Lowest number of property will have first chance. Training groups that do not use the property drawn may lose the right to draw again in future draws.
At each drawing meeting, each group will draw for the following day, then return all the numbers to the box. A second round of drawings will immediately follow the first drawing to determine training property assignments for the second day. If a group draws a training site that they have already used, they may choose to re-draw to have the opportunity to train on a variety of sites.
The State of Idaho issued a warning for Cascade Lake for a toxic Blue Green algae bloom. This is an annual event for this lake and not unexpected. People and dogs should avoid contact with Lake Cascade waters.