Message From The President – January, 2011

Greetings Fellow Dog Lovers
Well it’s now my turn at the helm of this great MNRC ship. I only hope I have learned enough of what the previous Great Ship Captains before me have done and tried to teach me over the past few years.
The MNRC has come a long way from when it first started and it is a great honor for me to be part of it. From the very first event that was a single flight judged by three judges to three flights that are judged by six judges. The number of entries continues to increase each year with 2011 expecting to top all time records.
We have introduced the new AKC title MNH, and it is now in effect. This title will be retroactive for all dogs that are in the MNRC Hall of Fame.
The new Master National web site continues to evolve day by day. In other communications additions, we now have a MN Facebook and Twitter sites and Blog pages. For the first time this year, we used mobile Text Alerts to inform owners/handlers at the 2010 MN of starting numbers and important announcement.
The list of accomplishments goes on, with a lot more in the hopper. All this could not have happened without the outstanding cohesiveness of the current MN Board of Directors.
While I am at it, I would like to welcome our two new Directors to the team. Representing Region #1 is Auggie Argabright and Region #2 is Jace Tramontin, “Welcome to the family”.
I hope you all had as good a time in Corning, CA. Linda and I thought it was the greatest. The accommodations were outstanding, as well as the weather and the food at the casino.
The best part was seeing all our old friends and all the new friends we made, it was great! The Lassen Retriever Club represented by Jay and Raelene Phelps did one the best jobs I have ever seen a host club perform. They had every base imaginable covered, “You guys were awesome.”
Oh, did I mention that this was the largest number of entries ever in Region #4? This was the first time the MNRC was authorized by the AKC to split the entries into three flights. Boy was it a challenge. The need for additional equipment, workers and all kind of other stuff was amazing.
I must say at this point a giant “Thank you” to the equipment crew lead by Kevin Bunnell our Equipment Chairperson. The fabulous job they preformed during test set up and their ability to keep the equipment moving from site to site without missing a beat was– “Outstanding”.
Then there was Jim Charboneau, who at the last minute was thrown into accepting the Bird Steward Chairperson due to Ray Muth’s absence. Ray underwent emergency surgery and we happy to report he’s doing fine now.
Unfortunately I’m just skimming over the top saying “Thank You” to all those that made the 2010 Master National event a great success.
I think I have rambled on long enough; I will let someone else have their turns.
John Marchica
Master National Retriever Club

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