Mud Creek Land/Water
This test is a Land/Water Triple with a walkup and single blind. As the handler walks toward the line a bird is thrown in front of the dog and lands across the water at 44 yds. Bird number 2 comes from the handlers left side and is thrown across the same water and lands 78 yds away. Bird # is the flyer and is thrown from the same gun station, right to left, and lands approximately 68 yds away. After retrieving the marks the handlers moves a few feet to the left and completes the test with a 100 yd water blind.
Roberts Land/Water 1
This test is a Land/Water with Walkup and Single Blind. As the handler exits the last holding blind and walks towards the water a surprise dead bird from behind and to the right of the dog is launched without sound and lands with a splash about 38 yds from the dog. Bird #2 is a mallard flyer that is shot over the field and lands about 99 yds from the dog. Bird #3 is thrown left to right immediately in front of the dog and lands with a splash at 43 yds. After picking up the marks the dog is asked to pick up a 60 yd water blind with a long and challenging angle water entry under the arc of bird #3.
Little Valley Ranch Land/Water
This test is a land/water triple with a walkup and single blind. The walkup bird is thrown from the handler’s right side and lands 45 yds away in some shallow grass. Bird #2 is thrown from gun station behind the walkup gun station and lands at 65 yds across Rapid Creek. Bird #3 is a mallard flyer from the handler’s left side and lands approximately 75 yds away also across Rapid Creek. After retrieving the marks, the handler is asked to pick up a single water blind across Rapid Creek and 115 yds away. The line to this blind is just to the left of where bird #2 lands and the handler must start the blind between two designated marks on the ground.