New Region 3 Director to Serve on MNRC Board

Chuck Strange
Chuck Strange

Meet Mr. Chuck Strange
NOTE: Chuck will serve on the MNRC Board of Directors as Director for Region 3 as current director Keith Winch moves to the Vice President position.  Chuck says he looks forward to working with the regional clubs and members as well as the Master National. Here’s a brief bio to introduce Chuck to the membership.
My wife Kim and I live in Decatur, TX, located just North of Fort Worth where we spend time with our four labs Chica, Dell along with our two new pups Pistol and Ammo. I’m lucky that I have the family support that allows me to spend time with the hunt test games whether it be competing or judging year round. However, one of the greatest personal rewards from this sport has been the special times when I get to share this sport with my son and my dad so we have three generations together in the field.
My introduction to the hunt test games began in 1999 with special black dog named Tex.
Like many, we got involved with the hunt test because we simply wanted a better hunting dog.
We progressed thru the hunt test levels and moved on to field trials and SRS events. Then in 2009 some friends shared details about the Master National and suggested we try it, so the goals for 2010 to qualify and compete in our first Master National event in Corning, CA.
For me the Master National Annual Competition is a place for owners and handlers to showcase their dog’s ability and enjoying the hunt test games well beyond earning that master hunter title.
It is a great opportunity to reunite with friends and meet people not only in your local area but from all around the nation that all have a love for this sport, our dogs and hunting. Not to mention you get to see some of the best dogs in this country do what they love.

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