Landowners Receive Recognition, Gift for Support of 2021 Event

On behalf of the Master National Retriever Club, 2021 President Keith Winch expressed his appreciation to Allen Dillard for his years of service on the Board of Directors.  Allen served as the 2020 President through the Covid-19 pandemic. Allen further showed his support to the MNRC in his final year to provide the Landowner’s a beautiful western style winter coat, just in time for the upcoming snow.

The landowner’s who offered their lands for our test are:

Ken & Chelsea Roberts
Laura Bettis & Ben Rydalch
Phil & Yvette Davis
Will & Katlin Crawford
Scott & Sherri Nicholson

Thank you Allen and a Special Thank You to the 2021 Idaho Landowners who so generously offered their property for our use.

Keith Winch
ex-officio 2021 President

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