Flight A
Strader Water Test This test is a Water Triple with a Single Blind. Bird #1 is a dead duck thrown across the pond from left to right and lands in medium cover 117 yards from the line. Birds 2 & 3 are thrown from the same gun station. Bird #2 is a dead duck and is thrown right to left across the water and one island. It lands on a second island 86 yards in front of the handler. A diversion shot is fired from the “mom & pop” gun station whenever bird #2 is retrieved. Bird 3 is also a dead duck, thrown left to right and lands in medium cover at 96 yards. After picking up the marks the handler Is asked to pick up a blind retrieve 133 yards away.
Flight B
KB’s Water Test This test is a Water Triple with a Single Blind and Diversion Shot. Bird #1 is a dead duck thrown left to right directly across the pond and lands 103 yards away. Whenever Bird #1 is picked up a diversion shot is fired from the #1 gun station. Birds number 2 and 3 appear from behind a mound of dirt to the handlers right. Bird # 2 lands in close proximity to a single tree across the water and at 58 yards. Bird #3 is thrown left to right and lands 67 yards away. After picking up the marks the handler is asked to complete a blind retrieve to the left side of the pond and 101 yards away.
Flight C
Barnyard Water Test This test is a Water Triple with a Single Blind. Bird #1 is a dead duck thrown across the pond from right to left and lands in medium cover 92 yards from the line. Bird #2 comes from the handlers left and lands 78 yards away. Bird #3 is a splash bird landing 35 yards in front of the handler. The test concludes with a 105 yard water blind that requires a water re-entry and a channel swim.
Flight D
Lynch Water. This test is a Water Triple with a Single Blind. Bird #1 is a dead duck thrown from left to right across the water and landing in cover 103 yards from the line. A diversion shot is fired when this bird is retrieved. Bird # 2 is thrown from the left side of the pond and splashes 46 yards from the line. Bird #3 is another dead duck from the right side, thrown right to left and lands in tall cover to the right of the line. The test concludes with a 95 yard blind that is under the arc of Bird #2.
Flight E
TJ’s Water Test
This test is a Water Triple with a Single Blind with all dead ducks. Bird # 1 is thrown right to left on the far side of the pond and lands on top of the pond dike 77 yards from the line. Bird # 2 comes from the right side and is thrown across the water landing 52 yards away on an island. Bird # 3 comes from the left side of the pond and is thrown across the water landing on an island 55 yards from the line. A diversion shot comes from the left hand gun station while the dog is on its way back with Bird #1. The blind is run from the same line and crosses a point of land from the island where bird # 2 lands. The blind is 82 yards from the line.
Flight D:
Hamlin North Land: This test is a Land Triple with a Flyer, Double Blind, Honor. Bird #1 is a dead duck thrown right to left at 98 yards from the far corner of the field. Bird #2 is another dead duck thrown right to left and landing on the hillside at 103 yards. Bird #3 is a duck flyer thrown right to left and landing approximately 105 yards from the line. After picking up the marks the left hand blind is run first at 108 yards. The finish to this blind is approximately 8 yards up the hillside. Blind number 2 is to the far right and is 89 yards away. After picking up the blinds the test concludes with an honor for the next working dog.