Community Bids Farewell to Former MNRC President

A service celebrating the life of Bill Truman Teague was held in at the First United Methodist Church in Nacogdoches, Texas on March 20, 2021.    The Master National Retriever Club was saddened to learn that former MNRC President Bill Teague, 83, passed away on December 25, 2020 surrounded by his family in Texas. He will always be remembered as a great MNRC supporter and friend.

“Bill was my friend, mentor and one of the best ambassadors for living a better life, a hunting retriever supporter and enthusiast, said 2021 Master National President, Keith Winch.”  For those of us who knew him, he will live on in our minds and in our hearts and continue to help us conduct our business and our lives with honor and integrity.  Very few people had more influence on me than Bill.  I met Bill in the fall of 1998 when I was seeking help to train my retriever.  For some reason, Bill took me under his wing and from there a respectful friendship blossomed.  Bill gave so much to the retriever world and was a large part and will always be of Brazosport Retriever Club. Bill served as the president of the Master National Retriever Club in 2009.  He was instrumental is setting up the Master National Retriever Club Foundation and served as President from its inception in 2015. Bill was honored by having an award dedicated in his name. The “Bill T. Teague Handler of the Year Award” made him very proud.



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