AKC Recommendations for Handling a Positive COVID Case During or After an Event

CLUBS: FOR YOUR INFORMATION. The American Kennel Club has released a set of recommendations regarding COVID.

Please protect yourself and others from infection while at events by wearing a face covering over your nose and mouth, maintain social distancing, wash your hands or use an alcohol-based rub frequently and practice enhanced cleaning practices.

The following information is being provided to assist clubs/clusters in determining how to handle the situation where an individual attending an event reports they have tested positive for COVID either during or after the event.

During the Event

1. Clubs should consider having all participants sign a waiver form and self-assessment declaration form. If used, these form should be completed and provided upon arriving at the event.
 A waiver states that the signer understands there is a risk by attending this event, assumes full responsibility should they contract COVID and acknowledges the release of the club, site and other officials of responsibility

 A self-assessment declaration requires signees to verify their potential for exposure to COVID prior to the event. Anyone who has tested positive for COVID 19 in the previous 14 days, taken care of someone with COVID in the previous 14 days, or has been tested for COVID but has not yet received the results, should not be allowed to attend the event.

 Club should obtain legal advice on how long to retain the forms.

2. Clubs should consider requiring temperature testing prior to entering the event location. If utilized, temperature testing should be conducted daily.

 A temperature of 100.4 degrees or greater is considered a fever. Anyone registering a temperature of 100.4 or greater should be allowed to rest before having a second temperature check. If still at 100.4 or greater, the individual should be directed to a local COVID testing location. An individual with a high temperature should not be allowed into the facility.

3. If an individual reports they have tested positive for COVID during the event –  Obtain the individual’s contact information so follow-up contact can be made if needed.

 Advise the individual to contact all parties they have been within 6 feet of for 15 minutes in a 24- hour period.

 Clubs must post signage at the event advising all attendees of the positive COVID test. Example: An attendee who is no longer on the show grounds tested positive for COVID-19 on (date). That exhibitor was present on the grounds prior to (date). The attendee was asked to contact all parties that meet the CDC definition of close contact. (15 minutes or more within six feet of a person with COVID-19 over a period of 24 hours.)

 Clubs must inform the management of the event facility.

 Clubs must review the local health department guidelines to determine if there are any local
government reporting requirements.

After the Event
1. If an attendee reports they have tested positive for COVID within 48 hours after having attended the event –

 Obtain the individuals contact information.

 Advise the individual to contact all parties they have been near that meet the CDC definition of close contact. (15 minutes or more within six feet of a person with COVID-19 over a period of 24 hours.)

 Depending on the timing and in consultation with the local health department, clubs should consider notifying all attendees, advising them that a person at the event tested positive XX days after the event. Example:  An individual who was at the event on (date) has tested positive for COVID-19 within 48 hours of the event. The individual was asked to contact all parties with which he has been in contact.

 Clubs must inform the management of the event facility.

 Clubs must review the local health department guidelines to determine if there are any local government reporting requirements.

Please direct any questions or inquiries to the Sports & Events Club Development Department at clubdevelopment@akc.org

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