Show your support of the Master National Retriever Club and see your name in our 2022 Event Catalog. The deadline for catalog ads is fast approaching so act now. If you would like to become a Sponsor or Donor for the MNRC 2022 Annual Event, please contact our Corporate Sponsor Liaison, Michelle Love.
Deadline for catalog ads is August 5, 2022.
Here are the rates:
- Donors $25-$250 and Sponsors: $500 and up. See below for details.
- Diamond Sponsor Banner placements, 3 page color ads in catalog)
- Platinum Sponsor Banner placements, 1 page color, 1 page BW ad in catalog)
- Gold Sponsor (2 full page BW ads in catalog
- Silver Sponsor (Full page BW ad in catalog)
- Bronze Sponsor (1/2 page BW ad in catalog)
- Master Donor (name recognition in catalog) $250
- Senior Donor (name recognition in catalog) $100
- Junior Donor (name recognition in catalog) $25
Thank you to all our past sponsors and donors. We look forward to seeing everyone in Roseburg, Oregon September 29 – October 9.
— Michelle Love, Corporate Sponsor Liaisons, Master National Retriever Club