Please Note: Secretary Dede Patterson has emailed all MNRC clubs a ballot for voting. Please encourage your club to vote. We want Your voice to be heard!
A request for a Special Meeting of the Master National Retriever Club has been called by the President of the MNRC Keith Kiesow. The request was submitted 3/1/2024. The purpose of the Special meeting is to Submit Proposed Bylaws Updates to the Master National Member Clubs for a vote.
As per the Bylaws Article VIII Section 2. a. The President of the Master National Retriever Club may call a Special Meeting, in which case the secretary of this club shall call and duly give notice of a special meeting of this club, stating the purpose, time and place thereof.
The date of the special meeting will be April 11, 2024. No in person meeting will be held. The proposed Bylaws updates will be sent to the member clubs. All votes from member clubs will be due by April 10, 2024 by 11:59 pm CST. All votes will be electronic. The results of the Member Club Votes will be recorded and the results distributed to the Member Clubs on April 11, 2024.
Please Find the attached Letter from President Keith Kiesow explaining the purpose of the Special Meeting and the proposed Bylaws updates.
Please note in the attached Updated Bylaws Proposed document, a line has been drawn through the current verbiage of the Bylaws and the proposed changes have been highlighted in red.
Thank you for being a member of the Master National Retriever Club. Every club has the opportunity to vote. We encourage your participation. Your Voice matters.
Dede Paterson
Master National Retriever Club Secretary