My Dear Friends
Well the time has come for me to step down as President of the Master National RC 2011 and pass the helm over to the 2012 President John Blackbird. But before I get too far into this letter I must thank all of the Master National Board and all of those folks associated with the board, for without their help and guidance my task would not have been possible. And last but certainly not least – all the folks my wife Linda and I have met and made friends all along the way, and we want to say THANK YOU ALL from the bottom of our hearts.
It has been a long road from when I first was given a Golden puppy from a backyard breeder way back in the early 80’s. Not knowing what to do we joined the Lake Champlain RC through the advice of a friend and everything was upward from that day on. In those days the only thing available was Field Trial and local club Gun Dog stakes. This Golden went on to become the first Golden Retriever to become a Master Hunter in the state of Vermont (she already had her UD).
I had the honor of being selected to judge the Master National event in 2004 in Wisconsin and that’s when the fun really began. Shortly there afterwards I was elected to the Master National board of directors and the rest is history.
During my tenure as the 2011 Master National President there were many things that I am extremely proud and thankful for all the support that was given to me by all of the MN board and those associated with the board. These are just some of the accomplishments that I am very proud of.
• Was the last president of the North East Federation which held one of the first Master Hunter Invitational in 1988 and was the Grandfather of today’s Master National RC
• Was on the team which held the first meeting with the AKC and one of the subjects of discussion was the MNHR.
• During my tenure as President the MNHR title was born and approved.
• The approval of the AKC to allow more then two flight was authorized.
• Totally updated and rewrote the MN Policies and Procedures’ and made it a living document (still has a ways to go).
• Responsible for the largest Hunt test in the history of the AKC and MNRC
• Was solely instrumental in bring the first special needs child into the folds of a Master National event and backed by the AKC.
• Responsible for the reopening the dialog with the Retriever News in an attempt to unite that organization with the Master National RC.
• Under my tutelage with the MNRC Corporate Sponsor Liaison Coordinator produced the largest contributions in the history of the MNRC
• Initiation of three new satellite positions to the MNRC board -1) Corporate Sponsor Liaison Coordinator 2) Communications Coordinator 3) Public Relations Coordinator. These additions have greatly improved the performance of the MN board.
Both for my wife Linda and I it is onward and upward with life. It had been a very difficult time for the both of us these past few years and now it is time for us to “go to the dog”—and do the things we both love to do with our dogs.
It has been one of the proudest moments in my career to have served on the Master National board with all of you THANK YOU
On this note we would like to say farewell (for awhile) to one and all – see you all soon somewhere on the circuit.
Our love to all, God Bless and may you never forget your four legged friends.
John Marchica
Past President 2011 and
Linda Marchica
My wife for eternity