The Master National Retriever Club Board of Directors and Flint Oak have just become aware that EVERYONE on the Flint Oak property, whether drinking or not, needs to fill out the temporary Flint Oak membership form.
The first notice indicated ONLY those who wish to purchase alcohol must be a member, but we have just been informed the signed form/fee needs to be filled out by everyone in attendance.
There are still significant limitations on the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages at the Lodge and on the grounds of Flint Oak– and this has not changed.
Under Kansas law, Flint Oak can only sell beer, wine and liquor to “Club Members.” And also under Kansas law, there can be NO consumptions of alcoholic beverages on Flint Oak property that was not purchased from Flint Oak.
Flint Oak has received approval to offer a temporary (15-day) membership for this event only for everyone on the property. To comply with the law, Temporary Club Memberships will be available to those submitting a Flint Oak application, signed and mailed to Flint Oak along with a $10.72 fee. This cost includes a spouse. (See Application Form for details). Your temporary Flint Oak Memberships are valid Sept. 15-30.
Membership applications must be received no later than by Sept. 4, 2013 – no exceptions. Membership cards can be mailed or picked up at the event. (Be sure to indicate on your application whether you want your membership card mailed, or picked up at the Flint Oak office.)
Flint Oak apologizes for the inconvenience this may cause handlers and guests but must of course comply with the law.
CLICK HERE To Apply For A Temporary Membership: You must fill out and sign this form and return to Flint Oak no later than Sept. 4, 2013
Can be emailed to:
It's all about the dogs