To: MNRC Clubs and MNRC Community
We, the Master National Retriever Club Board of Directors, are communicating an update on Boards activities with the member clubs and retriever community. Our intention is that this open communication will allow everyone to clearly understand our direction, quell rumors, and allow feedback from the member clubs and community.
For the past several years there has been a great deal of discussion within the Board regarding the ever-increasing number of dogs entered in our event, and how to responsibly manage the growth. Successfully managing the number of dogs not only logistically but establishing and maintaining a high quality of testing consisting of six series.
It has come to the point, that if action is not taken within the very near future the event as currently structured will not be tenable, due to its shear size. Very few retriever venues exist that can host an event as large as ours, additionally the large flight size has a negative effect on the quality of testing.
At our recent Winter Board Meeting the Board reached the following unanimous decisions to address the growth opportunity.
- The BOD’s direction is to hold the event at two rather than one location.
- One testing location would in the East portion of the country, the other in the west
- Handlers would be assigned a test location based on their home address. Historical data used to divide the number of dogs equally between the two locations.
- No handler or dog would be allowed to attend both.
- A method established to cap total number of dogs entered.
- The Goal is to implement this structure for the 2023 event.
A change of this magnitude is going to require a substantial amount of planning and changes to the MNRC Bylaws. You should expect to see proposed Bylaw’s revisions for the club’s review soon.
To summarize, the reasons for change are:
- Number of dogs entering is becoming unmanageable.
- Grounds available to host large events are few.
- Declining quality of test.
What we are doing:
- Updating Bylaws. The bylaws have needed some updating in general and to specially address two testing locations.
- Planning the nuts-and-bolts mechanics of how to implement.
- Targeting Implementation for the 2023 event.
We hope you find this communication helpful and informing. We sincerely encourage your club’s feedback.
MNRC Board of Directors
Mike Collson: mcollson@gmail.com
Keith Maready : keithmaready@gmail.com
Laurice Williams: lwilliams@ncducks.org
Keith Kiesow : kkiesow@outlook.com
Matt Griffiths : matt@stoneridgekennels.com
Chuck Strange : chuckstrangetx@gmail.com
Charles Pugh: arkcpugh@gmail.com
Patty Polish: pattypolish@gmail.com
Annette Pacheco: chpette@comcast.net
Paterson Dede: dede1paterson@gmail.com
Jimmy Hughes: jimmyhughes@hughescpa.net
Keith Winch: keithbwinch@msn.com