A message from MNRC President Keith Kiesow
The Master National Retriever Club Board of Directors have been hearing rumors about the MNRC 2024 event. I would like to clarify any rumors circulating that may be out there.
The 2024 MNRC event will be held in Paducah, Kentucky on September 21-October 2. The MNRC Board along with Bourbon Hills Retriever Club and officials from the West Kentucky Wildlife Management Area are working diligently together in preparation for this event. We all intend to formulate a quality event for the MNRC participants.
If you have any questions, please contact your MNRC representatives. All members of the Board are listed on our website. Members of the Board Of Directors.
On another note, as we have published on a previous blog there are very limited, if any pre-training grounds in the immediate area of the test property. Training will not be available on this management area once event set-up starts, which is anticipated to happen starting on September 17th. Please refrain from contacting the management area staff inquiring about training in this area. MNRC and the host club will be working on a list of potential training areas that are remote from the test grounds so participants can plan accordingly. Please monitor the MNRC Blog as we will publish that list as it becomes available.
Keith Kiesow, President MNRC