Friday, September 30th activities included Bitch Check, Handler’s Registration, MNRC Store Opening, Handler’s Meeting and Instructions from the Judges, Committee Sign Ups and the Annual Meeting.
Chief Marshal Kevin Bunnell addressed the group and talked about safety issues. He asked participants to please be respectful of the strict 20 mph speed limit at Busch grounds.
He also told workers to arrive 20 minutes before their shift change and to report to the sound truck. Stake Chairs will have worker pins which will presented to workers after their shift. Lunch tickets will be given out for the first and third shift, but the second shift will be given a lunch at the stake. Lunch tickets can be redeemed at the Lunch Wagon which will be located at the Stable Building each day.
DuWayne Bickle spoke as a representative for the judges and talked to handlers about safety, and told handlers judges expect them to shoulder the gun. On an honor, he said, the handler can stand or kneel next to the dog but cannot lean over or block the dog’s view. Handlers must have a duck call on all water series.
2016 Master National Judges:
Flight A Jeff Schliz and Dan Mills. Flight A will start at Lake 21 (Land-Water)
Flight B Jim Charboneau and Keith Maready. Flight B starts at Lake 38 (Land-Water)
Flight C Laura Judd and Alan Bruhin. Flight C starts at the Triangle (Land)
Flight D Fred Collins and Ron Margiotta. Flight D starts at Lake 26 (land/Water)
Flight E Bill Teague and Dewey Bickle. Flight E starts at Lake 5 (Land/Water)
Flight F Chris Bodine and David Christianson East Field Lake 6 (Land)
First Series: All flights Starting Dog #1 — except Flight C Starts with #142
Second Series: All flights start with #24; Third Series start with #47; Fourth Series starts with #71; Fifth Series starts with #95 and Sixth Series starts with #119.
Flight A #6, 8, 10, 16, 26, 36, 42, 92, 118 and 129
Flight B# 10, 65 and 84
Flight C#20, 25, 76 and 126
Flight D#6, 14, 24,34, 36, 47, 56, 89, 108, and 131
Flight E#27, 38, 71, 99 and 103
Flight F #10, 16, 69and 96