Ray Muth
January 12, 1938 – June 2, 2013
The retriever sport, especially the retriever hunting tests, reluctantly says farewell to our friend, Ray Muth.
For decades, Ray unselfishly, generously and strongly supported the retriever sport in a multitude of ways. Because of his support, we have benefited as individuals and the entire retriever sport has been improved.
Ray’s tireless commitment to improving the quality of breeding, improving judges’ abilities, maintaining high expectations of owners, handlers, judges, volunteers and dog performances are clear testimony to his dedication to the retriever sport.
His donation of time, talent, finances, expertise and other resources are deeply appreciated. His dedicated services as volunteer leader, visionary, judge, handler, owner, land provider and mentor serve as exemplary examples for us all.
The success the Master National Retriever Club, Inc. enjoys today is largely due to Charter Member Ray Muth who diligently served in so many ways so well including serving as President twice. Ray, we thank you; you are a great man!
Our heartfelt sympathies are extended to Elly and the rest of the Muth family.
The Master National Retriever Club, Inc. June 2013