Former MNRC President, Bill Teague Dies

As news of Bill’s death reaches the Master National Community, the MNRC is receiving comments from those who have worked with him.

So remember, “All days are good, some are just better than others.” ~Bill Teague

On behalf of the Purina Pro Plan staff –

“Bill was a true gentleman. He was a great person to know and work with. His concern for people was genuine and contagious. He made the world a better place for all that he touched.

Bill will be greatly missed.” Dean Reinke

On behalf of the American Kennel Club and the Performance Events staff –
The sport has lost a leader, sportsman, and a true gentleman with the passing of Bill Teague. Bill chaired the Retriever Hunting Test Advisory Committee for many years. His guidance was invaluable to the continued success of the sport. Bill had the depth to think of others when considering an issue and always acted for the greater good of the sport. Bill’s faith was very strong and I can’t help but be struck by the fact he was called home during Christmas. God must have needed another angel – he got a good one!!
The American Kennel Club sends its heartfelt condolences to Lynn and the Teague family. Rest in Peace my friend.
Doug Ljungren
Executive VP, Sports & Events

“I would be hard pressed to name someone in the retriever community with as much respect as Bill Teague. I will miss our frequent discussions. God’s peace be with all of us. We have lost a truly good man.” Frank Barton, MNRC Hunt Test Secretary

“My memory of Bill Teague is a man who showed extraordinary courage in the midst of the most trying times we as individuals could face. Bill’s health was a mess yet he seemed to always have a cheerful spirit. I think Bill taught me more about living then about anybody I knew. He loved our sport and always was willing to give his entire self. We will greatly miss him and I feel that one of the great heroes of my life has gone to meet Jesus in the most wonderful time of the year. Heaven will enjoy having Bill.” Robert Roscoe, former MNRC Board Of Directors.

The Master National Retriever Club was saddened to learn that former MNRC President and beloved supporter of our sport, Bill Teague, 83, passed away on December 25, surrounded by his family in Texas.

“Bill was my friend, mentor and one of the best ambassadors for living a better life, a hunting retriever supporter and enthusiast, said 2021 Master National President, Keith Winch.”

For those of us who knew him, he will live on in our minds and in our hearts and continue to help us conduct our business and our lives with honor and integrity.

Very few people had more influence on me than Bill. I met Bill in the fall of 1998 when I was seeking help to train my retriever. For some reason, Bill took me under his wing and from there a respectful friendship blossomed.

Bill gave so much to the retriever world and was a large part and will always be of Brazosport Retriever Club. Bill served as the president of the Master National Retriever Club in 2009.

He was instrumental is setting up the Master National Retriever Club Foundation and served as President from its inception in 2015. Bill was honored by having an award dedicated in his name. The “Bill T. Teague Handler of the Year Award” made him very proud.

Sam Ferguson presented the Vision Award to Bill in 2012
In 2012, Bill was awarded the highest honor given by the Master National Retriever Club, the Vision Award. This award is given to an individual who has made an extremely unusual contribution that is exemplary and self-sacrificing as well as profound. His contribution also helped to insure the future of the Master National Retriever Club. He also served as the Corporate Sponsor Liaison and judged the Master National event in 2012.

Bill lived by a simple life philosophy, and he led by example. Right up to a few short weeks ago, I sought Bill’s opinions. Bill had tremendous and powerful influence on so people young and old, especially in the Master National community.

Supported by his best friend and wife Lynn, Bill gave his everything fighting a years-long battle with cancer. All while honoring God. Lynn was his strength, his rock and the love of his life. I know everyone who reads this will support Lynn, his two sons, Jim and Tim and the entire family. Bill would not want us to be sad but rejoice and celebrate his life.

Many of us will remember the best of times we shared with him.

Bill was unique in his own right, a talented communicator and humanitarian. We will miss him. Rest in peace, Bill. Enjoy heaven. We’ll take it from here.
Respectfully Submitted, Keith Winch.


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