East Field at Lake 6 – Land
This is a land Triple with a Double Blind, Diversion Bird and an Honor. Bird #1 comes from the right tree line and lands 98 yards away. Bird #2 is a pheasant flyer thrown right to left and lands 95 yards away. Bird #3 comes from the left and lands 38 yards against the tree line. On the way back from the last retrieve a diversion bird is thrown from the right. The handlers are instructed to pick up the right blind first at 98 yards. After retrieving this blind the handler has the choice of retrieving the diversion bird and running the left blind or running the blind and retrieving the diversion bird last. The test concludes with an honor for the next dog.
Lake 5 Land-Water
The test begins with a walk-up. The walk-up bird is a dead duck that is thrown directly in front of the handler at approximately 40 yards and lands on a small island at 56 yards. Bird #2 is a shot flyer thrown to the handlers left and landing at the edge of some cattails at 89 yards. Bird #3 comes from the handler’s extreme right and lands on the edge of the shore at 41 yards.
Lake 5 Land Water