There is lots of activity at Flint Oak this week as members of the Flint Oak staff and MNRC Judges and Board of Directors prepare for the Big Show. Many handlers have already arrived too

There is lots of activity at Flint Oak this week as members of the Flint Oak staff and MNRC Judges and Board of Directors prepare for the Big Show. Many handlers have already arrived too
The Master National Retriever Club Board of Directors has just completed their winter meeting at the site of the 2013 event. Already working on details for the Sept. 21-29th event we thought you would like
Many folks have been asking about the photos being taken by professional photographers Mark and Shannon Atwater and the team at The photographers have taken over 25,000 photos. So they are asking handlers to
The MNRC Annual Meeting was held at the New Era Building on Friday, Oct. 19, 2012.
There was lots of activity happening at the test site and around town even before the first gun went off! Good Luck to all and please remember to have a good time!
Preparations are underway for the 2012 Master National in Demopolis, Alabama. The judges and the Master National Retriever Club Board of Directors are getting ready for the week already. See you on Thursday!
At the February MNRC Board of Directors meeting in Demopolis, Jeannie Ferguson snapped some pictures to give us an idea of the terrain we can expect at the 2012 Master National. Keep in mind this
2012 Master National Hunt Test Chairman Read Holland sent us a few pictures to give us an idea of the terrain we can expect next year. Keep in mind there is a great deal of
Check out these great photos by Sarah and Jeffrey Wonnell! Thank you for sharing these with us. This is just a sampling of their shots, to view the entire collection go to Sarah’s Gallery online.
Here are some of the wonderful volunteer workers who helped during this year’s events. Unfortunately everyone wasn’t present for the photos so we apologize that some folks didn’t get in. See you next year!
There were so many wonderful memories made at this year’s event. We hope you enjoyed the 2011 Master National.
Thanks to all of the workers who helped with this year’s event! The Master National would not be possible without your support. Yay!
See how many folks you can recognize! Congratulations to everyone who participated, volunteered and visited the 2011 Master National event.
MNRC gets under way with Series 1 at Anatidae Farm.
MNRC Opening Ceremonies, Sail Winds Conference Center, Cambridge, MD.
Here is a look at some of the Anatidae Farm property as well as Fuguet Farm taken over the Labor Day Weekend.
The following pictures were taken at Anatidae Farm during the Maryland Retriever Club Hunt Test on June 4 and 5, 2011.
Bill chaired the AKC Hunt Test Advisory Committee from 2011-2019
The Winter Board Meeting was held at the Holiday Inn Express, in Cambridge, Maryland on Feb. 17-20. Board members met to conduct the business of preparing for the 20th Anniversary MN event in October. Hunt
Michelle Love presents gift on behalf of the MNRC
Shots around the Master National setup and Board of Directors meeting – Thursday, October 7, 2010.