Nicole Boettger
Hunt Test Secretary
4216 CR 1132, Celeste, Texas
Hello, my name is Nicole Boettger, and I am excited to be apppointed to be the Board of Directors as Hunt Test Secretary for the Master National Retriever Club.
My dogs, Naughty, Sweets and Hope and I call Celeste, Texas our home.
My journey started with a Chocolate Labrador, My New COACH Purse MH MNR. He in turn inspired Coach and Me Photography, as I needed a task that wasn’t throwing birds, mainly because it doesn’t fit my skill set! I have been involved in several retriever clubs over the years in multiple roles including serving as a Hunt Test Secretary for many events. Along with my parents, Dan and Midge, I have enjoyed training and running dogs in Hunt Tests and have met folks that have become family. I have judged and qualified dogs at all levels and look forward to lending my talents and giving back to the sport.