Congratulations to Nicole Boettger of Celeste, Texas on her appointment to the Baord of Directors as our new Master National Hunt Test Secretary. Her background and skills positions her well to take over the duties of Master National Hunt Test Secretary.
Current Hunt Test Secretary, Tracy Hughes has made a decision for her future and welfare of her family to step away from the MNRC BOD. Tracy has been dedicated to the MNRC for years and will be missed. The Board thanks Tracy for all she has given back to this sport and wishes her the best of luck in the future.
For more information about Nicole please see her resume below:
Hello, my name is Nicole Boettger, and I am excited to be apppointed to be the Board of Directors as Hunt Test Secretary for the Master National Retriever Club.
My dogs, Naughty, Sweets and Hope and I call Celeste, Texas our home.
My journey started with a Chocolate Labrador, My New COACH Purse MH MNR. He in turn inspired Coach and Me Photography, as I needed a task that wasn’t throwing birds, mainly because it doesn’t fit my skill set! I have been involved in several retriever clubs over the years in multiple roles including serving as a Hunt Test Secretary for many events. Along with my parents, Dan and Midge, I have enjoyed training and running dogs in Hunt Tests and have met folks that have become family. I have judged and qualified dogs at all levels and look forward to lending my talents and giving back to the sport.