December 26, 2013
Dear Master National Retriever Club Board:
This proposal from the Sooner Retriever Club and the Tulsa Retriever Club is presented to bring consistency to the Master National Retriever Club’s composition by maintaining the “Amateur” roots of the organization.
Article II, Section’s 1 and 4 in the MNRC Constitution define the delegate and the proxy while Article VII Section 8 and Article VIII Section 6 relate to the amateur status requirement which supports our recommendation for the additional language detailed further below.
MNRC Constitution: ARTICLE VII SECTION 8. Reads in part: “Only persons who meet the definition of “Amateur” as defined by the American Kennel Club regulations pertaining to retrievers then in force shall be eligible for election as an officer or director:…”
MNRC Constitution: ARTICLE VIII SECTION 6. Reads in part: “Judges for the Master National Hunting Retriever Test shall be amateurs, thoroughly experienced in handling and training of retrievers and in the requirements of retriever work…”.
It is in these By-Laws that support both the philosophy and reality of the Master National Retriever Club that being of Amateur status is paramount. Therefore for consistency whereby MNRC judges, MNRC officers and directors and the direction of the Master National Retriever Club is elected and/or voted upon should be by persons of the same amateur status.
Now therefore in consideration of the above, we provide below the “As-Is” and “Should read” recommendations in Article II to be presented to MNRC club members for a mid-year vote that could be implemented and go into effect August 1, 2014.
SECTION 1. Any club which holds an American Kennel Club member or licensed hunting test during the year prior may be invited to join by a majority vote of the members of the Board of Directors of this Club and, if so invited, the Secretary shall forthwith extend such invitation to such club. Upon acceptance by such club and payment of the initiation fee, it shall forthwith become a member of this Club, and may thereupon designate in writing one of its members to become a delegate, and, as such delegate, to represent it as a member of this Club.
Should Read:
SECTION 1. Any club which holds an American Kennel Club member or licensed hunting test during the year prior may be invited to join by a majority vote of the members of the Board of Directors of this Club and, if so invited, the Secretary shall forthwith extend such invitation to such club. Upon acceptance by such club and payment of the initiation fee, it shall forthwith become a member of this Club, and may thereupon designate in writing one of its members to become a delegate, and, as such delegate, to represent it as a member of this Club.
(a) Only persons who meet the definition of “Amateur” as defined by the American Kennel Club regulations pertaining to retrievers then in force shall be eligible to be a named as a member club’s delegate.
SECTION 4. Each member club in good standing shall be entitled to one vote by its delegate or by written proxy at all meetings of this Club. No person shall represent more than two (2) clubs as a delegate or proxy. Any proxy must be so designated by a member club, and must have written proxy credentials satisfactory to the credentials committee as appointed by the President.
Should Read:
SECTION 4. Each member club in good standing shall be entitled to one vote by its delegate or by written proxy at all meetings of this Club. No person shall represent more than two (2) clubs as a delegate or proxy. Any proxy must be so designated by a member club, and must have written proxy credentials satisfactory to the credentials committee as appointed by the President.
(a) Only persons who meet the definition of “Amateur” as defined by the American Kennel Club regulations pertaining to retrievers then in force shall be eligible to represent a member club as their proxy at the annual meeting.
We feel this addition would strengthen the Amateur spirit and bring a sense of consistency to the MN. Respectfully submitted by
William M Blochowiak President and Delegate, Sooner Retriever Club and Delegate, Tulsa Retriever Club.
Cc: Bill Dodd, President Tulsa Retriever Club
Letter Sent To All Master National Clubs from the MNRC
Elaine Goodner, Secretary 2817 Duell Ave Medford, OR 97501541-227-3154 Cell elainegoodner1251@gmail.com
Dear Master National Member Club Delegate
The Board of Directors of the Master National Retriever Club has received this proposed amendment to the club Constitution and By-Laws from two member clubs in good standing. Under Article XI, Section 3 of the By-Laws, amendments may be decided by mail vote. An affirmation vote of two-thirds (2/3) is necessary for the adoption of the amendment.
Enclosed in this mailing you will find a ballot and a Position Statement from the Sooner Retriever Club and Tulsa Retriever Club explaining the reasons they are recommending this change. This information is sent to both the Delegate and the Contact for each member club but only one ballot may be returned. In order for your club vote to count, ballots must be returned by April 16, 2014.
Ballots can be returned by mail using the enclosed SASE, or by email to elainegoodner1251@gmail.com
If you return your vote by email please be sure to note in the email the delegate and club casting the vote.
We encourage you to take time to review and discuss this proposed amendment with your club members and Board of Directors prior to voting. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact:
Bill Blochowiak Sooner RC President labske@aol.com
Bill Dodd Tulsa RC President vkdwvd@cox.net
All results with votes by each club will be posted to the Master National website by May 1, 2014
NOTE: If you are no longer the delegate for this club, please ask your club contact to submit change of delegate information using the form available on the Master National website (under ‘About Us’, MNRC Forms).
Link to MNRC Form
Elaine Goodner, Secretary
CC: Club Contact