September 17, 2021
MNRC Member Clubs, Delegates & Participants
Re: AKC Report for the 2021 Annual MNRC Meeting
With the decision of the MNRC Board not to hold the normal meeting due to COVID I submit the following;
2020 & 2021 have been trying years for all of us and to the Retriever Hunting Test Program. In 2020 there were over 130 Hunting Tests and over 115 Field Trials cancelled due to COVID. Thankfully so far in 2021 all events have been held as planned with no reports of a COVID case. We should still follow all local and State guidelines at all events. AKC has published the “Best Practices for the Well-Being of Dog Sport Participants” revised on July 16, 2020 and “Recommendations for Handling a Positive COVID Case During or After an Event” on January 7, 2021 for use by all clubs and individuals.
Several new Regulations were incorporated during 2020 & 2021. I want to thank the members of the RHTAC for their review and input on these changes. All four mentioned are having a very positive effect on the Program.
- In November 2020 the mileage between corresponding events was lowered from 200 miles to 150 miles which became effective January 1, 2021.
- In September 2020 it was decided to allow the judges to determine how the birds are delivered to them due to COVID. Either they could take them, or the handers could place them in a container (not light in color) or on a rack, but the judges still must watch the delivery from the dog. This will become permanently effective January 1, 2022.
- As of April 1, 2021, clubs were able to set aside either 25% or 35% of a limited Master Test for Amateurs only.
- Most recently effective September1, 2021 clubs may use the wait list for a Limited Master Test up until the start of the event. The wait list will remain visible on Entry Express for a club’s use.
I believe these changes will greatly enhance the future of this program.
There is one area that has become more apparent in the last year that is troubling. On many occasions the Rep’s and myself have seen Judges score sheets improperly filled out or not filled out at all. The most common is the use of a single score for Marking only and not drawing diagrams of the dogs’ work. This does not benefit a dog that may have a poor marking series but a high score in the other abilities.
I am pleased to announce that one of our Hunting Test participants received two AKC Youth/Junior Handler Scholarship Awards one in 2020 and one in 2021, Ms. Haleigh McKeithan from NC. She is entered in this year’s event. Congratulations!
For 2021 another one of our own has won a Youth Scholarship Award as well, Ms. Lanie York from UT. If you see Lanie please congratulate her.
In 2021 Mr. Joe Reinhardt decided to retire from being an AKC Executive Field Rep. Everyone knows Joe and what a really good job he did and does for this sport. We thank him for his years of commitment to this program. We wish him and Carolyn only the best.
With Joe’s retirement we have brought on board Mr. Dave Christianson from TX. Dave has been and still is very active in this program and brings a wealth of experience. We welcome Dave.
I am pleased to announce the Retriever Hunting Test Program is growing in most areas of the country. Several Senior tests had to be split, meaning they exceeded 50 a few have been over 70. Several Junior Tests have been over 70 as well. As you are well aware the Master Tests continue to grow, and the demand has created the use of Mid-week tests and has spurned the creation of many new clubs.
In closing on behalf of myself, the Field Reps’ and Performance Events, I want to thank you for your commitment to this program and its future.
Follow this link if you choose; https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/review?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:02d59d32-e22d-407f-9405-eb866a5608ef
Signed Electronically,
Russ Reavis
Field Director – Retrievers
American Kennel Club