In an email dated May 16,2016 the American Kennel Club notified all Clubs sanctioned to hold Hunting Retriever Tests, of four changes to the Retriever Hunting Test Regulations.
Performance Events Department
May 16, 2016
To: All Clubs Licensed to Hold Retriever Hunting Tests
This communication is to inform your club that there have been four changes to the Retriever Hunting Test Regulations. (1) The event opening time will be determined by the time zone where the event is being held. (2) The event opening date will be moved earlier by one day so all events open to the public on Wednesday evening. (3) Clubs will be allowed, at their option, to hold Master level-only tests at their fifth and sixth events of the year provided the club has offered each of the test levels at least once at their first four hunting tests offered in the year. (4) Clubs will be required to use fresh-killed birds in their hunting tests.
The new Regulations are as follows: (1) & (2) Chapter 1, Section 3. Making Application – Paragraph # 14 Clubs that limit the number of entries in the Master Hunter Test must advertise an opening date for its hunting test. In order for there to be transparency for all participants, the opening date for public entries shall be the Wednesday closest to three weeks prior to the first date of the event.
The opening time shall be 8:00 pm in the time zone where the event is being held. The entries reserved for worker’s dogs shall open on Tuesday. These two changes become effective for any events that have an opening date after July 1, 2016. (3) Chapter 1, Section 3. Making Application – Paragraph # 5 A local club is permitted to hold up to six licensed or member club events per calendar year.
At the club’s option, their 5th and 6th events of the year are allowed to be Master level only tests provided the club has offered each of the test levels at least once at the first four hunting tests it offered in the calendar year. Clubs may start to apply immediately for their 5th – 6th Master level only test(s). (4) Chapter 3, Section 2. Game – Paragraph #2 A minimum of two live birds per entry must be made available for the use at the discretion of the Judges in all test levels.
Only birds shot as flyers during the event or euthanized within 24 hours of the event start time as stated in the premium may be used at an event. This change becomes effective for events held on or after July 1, 2016.
This e-mail has been sent to the President and Secretary of all clubs licensed to hold Retriever Hunting Tests. You are encouraged to forward this information to any one that might be interested. General comments can be e-mailed to the AKC at huntingtests@AKC.org