Here are Latitude & Longitude GPS Cordinates for our Hunt Test Locations.
Parramore Center 30.7661231 -83.8079116
Use this gate for flight only
Parramore North 30.7561592 -83.8272507
Stay out of Pecan Orchard, No driving/Parking!
Parramore East 30.7559256 -83.8243187
Lardy 30.7704391 -83.8064599 Stay away from the house.
DuBoise 30.7715707 -83.7739559 Stay away from the house.
Nubiskel 31.0589544 -84.0085398 Clay roads may get treacherous if wet.
Whites 30.7771756 -83.7803097 Stay away from the house. Turn left immediately thru gate.
Hayes 31.0037726 -83.7233580 Park beside road, if wet stay out of field. Stay away from house.
Rogiers 30.9849570 -83.6714928 Clay roads may get treacherous if wet.
Parkinson 30.9286237 -83.8424420 Stay away from the house. Park along fence
Equipment & Duck Pickup 30.7559256 -83.8243187
Field Vendor Village 30.7559256 -83.8243187
Bird Disposal 30.7623859 -83.8094696